Wallet Aggregator

Halo Wallet Aggregator will aggregate a user's various wallet assets, whether it is a mnemonic wallet, fiat account, smart contract wallet, hardware wallet, watch-only wallet, all can be viewed under the same asset board.The user's various wallet accounts can be bonded with DID, and the benefits are:Users can display their assets and transactions more completely in the social scene. Suppose a tape trader is using Halo, he can show all of his wallet assets and trading records to his fans, and interpret any trades and positions.Users can choose to make some accounts invisible to others to ensure their privacy.When users log in with any wallet bound by DID, they can have unified social interaction without worrying about repeated following or incoherent comments.

  • Transaction Analysis

Transaction analysis is a complex task, and Halo will do it with the help of our community. Through community governance, Halo can continuously optimize the analysis of various transactions to ensure the accuracy of analysis.

  • Transaction Privacy

By connecting to other privacy protocols, Halo will provide users with transaction and asset privacy. This may bring additional costs, users can choose: Pay for additional privacy protection to make some transactions and assets invisible to others. Make your wallet transactions visible to others and earn benefits.

Last updated